Player SleepWalker Info



Stat points 0
next lvl 48.56%
LAST LOGIN 15/08/2024
Job Type Nothing
Job Alias None


Baselard (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Dagger
Degree: 2 degrees

Phy. atk. pwr. 222 ~ 272 (+100%)
Durability 66/80 (+0%)
Attack rating 128 (+100%)
Critical 8 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 138.4 % ~ 169.2 % (+100%)

Required level 8
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Blocking rate 100
Attack rate 60% Increase
Savage Alette (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Protector
Mounting Part: Shoulder
Degree: 1 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 20 (+100%)
Durability 39/45 (+0%)
Parry rate 9 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 84.0 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 142.0 (+100%)

Required level 1
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Savage Sallet (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Protector
Mounting Part: Head
Degree: 1 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 25 (+100%)
Durability 39/45 (+0%)
Parry rate 11 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 104.0 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 174.0 (+100%)

Required level 1
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Light Glove (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Protector
Mounting Part: Hands
Degree: 2 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 28 (+100%)
Durability 39/47 (+0%)
Parry rate 10 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 90.0 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 152.0 (+100%)

Required level 8
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Savage Mail (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Protector
Mounting Part: Chest
Degree: 1 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 20 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 32 (+100%)
Durability 39/45 (+0%)
Parry rate 14 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 134.0 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 224.0 (+100%)

Required level 1
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Savage Boots (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Protector
Mounting Part: Foot
Degree: 1 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 23 (+100%)
Durability 39/45 (+0%)
Parry rate 10 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 98.0 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 164.0 (+100%)

Required level 1
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Savage Tasset (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Protector
Mounting Part: Legs
Degree: 1 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 1 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 26 (+100%)
Durability 39/45 (+0%)
Parry rate 11 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 110.0 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 184.0 (+100%)

Required level 1
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Copper Necklace (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Necklace
Degree: 1 degrees

Phy. absorption 8.4 (+100%)
Mag. absorption 8.4 (+100%)

Required level 1
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
Copper Earring (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Earring
Degree: 1 degrees

Phy. absorption 7.2 (+100%)
Mag. absorption 7.2 (+100%)

Required level 1
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
Silver Ring (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Ring
Degree: 2 degrees

Phy. absorption 9.6 (+100%)
Mag. absorption 9.6 (+100%)

Required level 8
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
Silver Ring (+5)

Seal of Sun
Sort of item: Ring
Degree: 2 degrees

Phy. absorption 9.6 (+100%)
Mag. absorption 9.6 (+100%)

Required level 8
Max. no. of magic options: 9 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
Freezing,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce